CTPL is also known as Compulsory Third Party Liability
This is type of insurance is mandated by Philippine law. All vehicles must have a CTPL. The CTPL covers third party liabilities that are due to bodily injury or death of pedestrians or other third parties.
The limit of the liability is Php100,000.00 per accident subject to a schedule of benefits per type of expense.
What is the difference between COC and CTPL?
A COC means Certificate of Cover. This is the document presented to the Land Transportation Office (LTO) upon vehicle registration as proof of a CTPL cover.
What do you mean by NO FAULT INDEMNITY?
No fault indemnity means the maximum amount the insurance company is required to pay a third party who is injured/killed in an accident which involves the insured's vehicle. This is without necessity of proving fault or negligence on the part of the insured. The limit of this benefit is Php10,000.00 per person.
How do you claim under the no fault indemnity?
The documents that are required are the following:
i. Police report or accident or any evidence sufficient to establish the accident, and ii. Medical report and evidence of medical or hospital expenses and/or; iii. Death Certificate and evidence sufficient to establish the proper payee
*this is for your general knowledge. please contact us or your own insurance company for more details.
Karen Mangilit